The Think CO campaign aims to save lives by making people more aware of the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning with people who work in the homes of vulnerable people.
Most people have heard of carbon monoxide, but few know its causes and symptoms or what to do if they suspect someone may be at risk. To meet this challenge, Gas Safe Charity developed the Think CO campaign with a range of free materials to increase awareness.
Free Think CO resources:
- E-learning course – to register for it, we need your email address and name. Email us at [email protected] with this information.
- How to book onto an online workshop – to book onto an online workshop register atÂ The current schedule of workshops goes through to mid-December with more dates to be published soon for January-March 2022.
- How to access a SCORM version of the e-learning to go onto an organisation’s LMS – we will happily send through a SCORM version of the e-learning course to go onto an organisation’s own LMS platform. To request a SCORM version, email us at [email protected]
- BSL signed/subtitled Think CO film mentioned in the workshop is:
- CO Awareness Film in Hindi and subtitled in English is:
- CO Awareness film in English with English subtitles is:
If any ARC England members would like to host a face-to-face workshop please email [email protected].