Us Too project: women with learning disabilities, autism or both and domestic abuse

External Resources

On this page you will find resources produced by other organisations and projects that we found helpful. This includes easy read resources, research, videos and other teaching resources. Some of these are downloads, and some link to external websites.

Video - How can police better communicate - Nifty Fox

Video - Bad response from the police - Nifty Fox

Video - What does a good police response look like - Nifty Fox

Guidance for professionals working with people with Learning Disabilities - LimeCulture

SARSAS (Bristol) Self Help Guide Easy Read

SARSAS Youtube channel

Cambs DASVP Easy Read Self Help Guide

Cambs DASVP Opening Closed Doors - Accessible Guide

Cambs DASVP Opening Closed Doors - Easy Read Guide

Shared Lives Domestic Abuse Guidance

Understanding Domestic Violence and Abuse Teaching Pack (Bristol City Council)

Hidden Hurts (Talkback UK)

We Matter Too (Ann Craft Trust)

Video - What does a bad relationship look like - Nifty Fox

Video - What does a good relationship look like - Nifty Fox

Durham University - Autistic Guide to Healthy Relationships - Easy Read

Durham University - Autistic Guide to Healthy Relationships

Domestic Violence & Women with Learning Disabilities - Tizard Centre

Video - Don't put up with it - Tizard Centre

All I wanted was a happy life - Tizard Centre

Talking Mats - Keeping Safe a new Talking Mats Resource

DIVAS Project (Women's Centre, Cornwall website)

Gender based violence & learning disability: guidance for practitioners - Health Scotland

Supported Loving - website

Clare's Law - Easy Read (Devon & Cornwall Police)


If you have any questions about the Us Too project please get in touch with the Project Lead, Rod Landman.

Project Lead