This page has a number of resources that the Safety Net Project has developed or had an active part in their development. You are free to download and use any of the resources on this page but we’d like you to link back to this website or explain that it was created by the ARC Safety Net project.


Image: Friend or Fake? Easy Read BookletFriend or Fake Easy Read Booklet

This booklet is for people with a learning disability, families and supporters. It is a booklet for people to share and go through together and talk about. This booklet talks about a type of Disability Hate Crime called Mate Crime – which means that sometimes friends are actually fakes. This booklet tells you what to look out for and what to do if a mate crime happens to you or to someone you know. All disability hate crime is wrong and we want to stop it. Don’t stand for it, report it!

Safety Net Questionnaires

Image: Safety Net Individuals QuestionnaireImage: Safety Net Partnership Board QuestionnaireImage: Safety Net Police QuestionnaireWe developed three questionnaires to help you understand more about hate crime and what to do about it and review your knowledge and practice. They are aimed at the following three groups:

Safety Net presentations, workshop resources and videos:

Many thanks to JUMPCuts for the use of Shaun’s Story. JUMPcuts are committed to an inclusive and collaborative approach to making media, recognising that building capacity among our learning disabled communities is building capacity for us all. Shaun’s Story is one of three JUMPcuts films that address least restrictive practice within the Mental Capacity Act. See all the films plus an award nominated feature on the Best Interest DVD available from